Subject Verb Agreement Mcq Based Questions

Subject-verb agreement is an important grammar rule that every writer should master. It refers to the agreement between the subject and the verb in a sentence. If the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. The importance of subject-verb agreement lies in its ability to ensure the clarity and coherence of a sentence. In this article, we will discuss subject-verb agreement MCQ based questions and their importance in testing a writer`s grammar proficiency.

MCQ-based questions are effective tools for testing a writer`s knowledge of subject-verb agreement. They present multiple choices for the correct verb that agrees with the subject in a sentence. The choices include both correct and incorrect verbs. The writer needs to select the correct verb that agrees with the subject. MCQ-based questions are preferred in language exams and tests as they offer a standard and objective measure of the writer`s proficiency.

The following are some examples of subject-verb agreement MCQ-based questions:

1. The boy, along with his friends, _______ going to the park.

A. am

B. are

C. is

The correct answer is C. The subject `boy` is singular, and `along with his friends` is a prepositional phrase that does not affect the subject-verb agreement.

2. The team of players _______ playing well this season.

A. is

B. are

The correct answer is A. The collective noun `team` is singular, and the verb should also be singular.

3. Neither John nor his friends _______ the answer to the question.

A. knows

B. know

The correct answer is A. The subject `neither` is singular, and the verb should be singular as well.

4. One of the books _______ missing from the library.

A. is

B. are

The correct answer is A. The subject `one` is singular, and the verb should be singular as well.

Subject-verb agreement MCQ-based questions are essential in testing a writer`s grammar proficiency. They are objective and standardized and offer a clear measure of the writer`s understanding of the grammar rule. By mastering subject-verb agreement, writers can write clearly and coherently, ensuring that their intended meaning is conveyed to their audience.

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